Phone Case Template Tutorials

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Easy Set Up

We know introducing new cell phone cases means that out members have to take the time to set up new products. That's why we have provided easy to use templates for both image requirements and phone mockups. We want you guys to be excited about new products, so we try to make it as easy as possible. Check out our step-by-step phone case template tutorials below!

Artwork Requirement Templates

We have provided these templates to help make submitting artwork easy! These templates are pre-sized and setup to meet all of our artwork requirements for each individual cell phone case. Here's how to use them!

1. Visit the phone case product page


2. Click on the Image Requirements tab

img req tab

3. Download Template

Find the phone case type and model you want to add to your store and click "Download".


4. Save the template

save template

5. Open the template in Photoshop

open template

6. Add your artwork

Paste your artwork into the template and move it under the template layer.>

paste img req

7. Resize and place your artwork

Your artwork should fill up the entire document. The blue lines represent where the image will be wrapped around the sides of the phone case.

size art req

8. Remove the template layer

remove layer

9. Save your new image as .png

And now your artwork is all set up and ready to submit!

NOTE: If you are creating artwork for a clear case, light colors will not print. Light colors will appear translucent.

Mockup Templates

We have provided these templates to make creating a mockup easy! You can showcase what your artwork will look like printed onto the case and model of your choosing. You can also feel free to use these mockups in your store front. Here's how to use them!

1. Have your artwork properly sized

Make sure to complete the artwork requirement template first.

2. Visit the phone case product page.


3. Click on the Mockups tab

mockup tab

4. Download The Template

Find the phone case type and model you want to add to your store and click "Download".


5. Save the template

save mockup

6. Open the template in Photoshop

open mockup

7. Add your artwork

Paste in the artwork from your image requirement template and move it under the mockup layer.

paste mockup

8. Save your new mockup

And now your mockup is ready to add to your storefront!

Watch the Tutorial

Check out the video tutorial to see these steps happening in live action!

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